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" data-reactid="13">台灣原創影集《愛的廣義相對論》(Memory Eclipse)以鄧麗君三首經典歌曲串聯出《明晚空中見》、《最後一戰》、《迴圈》三部原創系列作品,題材包孕親情、戀愛、未來科幻與懸疑;其中莊凱勛和劉品言合作演出,兩人有很多豪情戲碼,不外莊凱勛默示兩情面慾活動不多,是精神方面的「神交」;劉品言則為了詮釋酒家女實地到酒店演練,沒想到待了一整晚,卻沒人點檯,讓她有點失望。

Imagine enduring the coming winter without your gorgeous gas heating, perfect pumpkin soup and hot showers before bed….actually, don’t! The mere idea is enough to make you shiver. Don’t risk freezing all through winter! There’s still time to sort some small changes that will keep the chill from coming inside. Here are a few easy home reno ideas that you can get up and running before the cold winds really start to blow.

亞太電信日前獲得5G特許執照,估計今年第3季啟動5G服務,今天宣布與諾基亞簽定5G佈置合約,合作內容包含了5G焦點網(5G EPC, Evolved Packet Core)、5G基地台系統(5G RAN, Radio Access Network)、網路平安及服務治理,將為台灣超前佈置28GHz頻段、供給辦事商轉。


THE GREAT (WARM) OUTDOORS: In winter, it’s tempting to shut the door against the world and stay under your doona, never venturing past your front door unless you have to. But now we’ve been sheltering inside for so long, staying inside has us bored to tears! So this winter, make the most of your outdoor spaces with simple reno ideas that’ll see you actually use them. Think about connecting to Natural Gas so your BBQ never runs low, expand your outdoor area with instant gas heating, and take the chill out of the water so you can keep using your pool all year round! If you only use your pool a few weeks a year, now’s a good time to investigate natural gas pool heating (and other offers on heaters, BBQs and more), since the beaches and public pools are closed. 


SORT YOUR WATER: It can be easier to improve your enjoyment in lockdown life just by making sure the little luxuries are all sorted for winter. That means making sure you have instant hot water on tap at all times, and a good heating system. Maintenance matters! If you have creaky, unreliable hot water, and you want to make those ghastly mid-shower blasts of cold water a thing of the past, go for an instantaneous gas hot water system. Gas hot water gives you soul-warming hot showers before you snuggle into fresh PJs and head to bed, the chance to have a hot spa whenever you’re feeling the chill, or a daily soak in a beautiful bubble bath, even if the temperature is in the single digits.



警方稱,初步信息顯示,槍擊案與多人發生爭執有關。 亨廷頓市市長威廉姆斯說:「在市區或我們鄰里的任何處所發生此類事宜都是不克不及接管的,不會容忍。